Hey folks, here I am, once again.
There was ALOT that happened this week. I almost cant believe that it
all got crammed into just seven days. So, here´s a quickie backstory -
Me and my comp got into, multiple times. One day I asked him straight
up what he didnt like about me and it all came out. After everything
that he said about me I couldnt work with him anymore. It wouldnt have
been good for our investigators or our area. We had to do divisions
and I went with another Elder in his area. Of course, Presidente was
called during all of this. It wasnt until a few days later that we got
a call from him. We did a conferance and it was just me and my comp
and President on the phone. Now, President just came from the Church
Educational System, so he knows the scriptures forwards and backwards.
So, the first thing President has me and my comp do is open the
scriptures. We do a mini scripture chase with President expounding on
all of it while we flip to more scriptures. After a couple of
scriptures I got so ashamed and afraid to flip to the next one. I knew
the Lord was guiding President and He was just burning us left and
right. That was one of the most humbling days I´ve ever had in my
entire life. Near the end of the phone call President promised to us
that we will become good friends. In my usual prideful manner I just
scoffed. I thought that there was NO way that we would ever be
friends, not after everything that was said. Even after all of the
scriptures I still didnt believe that it would happen. I was doubting
all the way until President asked each of us to pray. First my
companion Elder Alves prayed, and then me, and then finally President
And here´s the miracle.
After we prayed, Prez asked for us to forgive one another and to start
over. To look past the others faults, the differences. I just felt
this feeling of peace come over, and that everything would be ok. I
still doubted a little, but after I got off the phone with President I
went and said another prayer. One of the most fervent prayers of my
life. Asking, no, pleading with my Heavenly Father to help me to do
this. I knew it wouldnt be easy, even after talking with President,
even after praying, and for this reason I needed alot of help. I
pleaded for strength, for humility, for guidance. After the prayer the
same feeling of peace came back to me, but stronger. Now, ya´ll
remember that scripture in John, when Jesus says that He will leave
His peace, and not the peace of the world? I experienced that peace.
The peace of God is unlike anything you´ve ever felt. Because you
KNOW, without a doubt, that everything will work out, regardless of
what happens. I could have been walking to the gallows at that moment
and I wouldnt have feared a thing. I KNOW that God lives. I KNOW that
He loves us. After that moment the only thing I wanted to do was ask
forgiveness from Elder Alves and just hug him.
And, that´s exactly what we did. After that moment I knew that
everything would work out, and that the Lord was watching out for us.
This happened on friday or saturday, I cant remember right now. And,
until now, we´ve been getting along great. We´ve been teaching some
awesome families, and we had a slew of peóple in the church yesterday.
So, here´s the lesson that I learned. Once again, humility is the key.
Prayer and fasting are two of the strongest tools that we have in our
arsenal. I promise you, right now, that you if are passing through a
trial, and if you want help, then to pray and fast. I promise you that
you will recieve help and strength. I´ve been awed and amazed this
week, in more than one way.
Sei que Deus vive. Sei que Ele nos ama, e que ele fica preocupado
conosco. Sei que quando nos temos problemas em nossas vidas, Ele está
lá. Por meio da Expiação de Cristo todos nos podemos vencer nos mesmo.
Há realmente uma maneira de fortelecer-se. Há uma maneira de voltar à
presença de nosso Pai. Cristo é esta maneira. Ele é o caminho. Só por
meio Dele que nos podemos ter felicidade em nossas vidas, e, mais do
que só felicidade, mas alegria. Podemos ter paz, podemos ter a paz que
vem por meio do Espirito Santo. Esta paz que trancende qual quer outra
coisa no mundo. Sei que estas coisas são verdadeiras. Sei porque estou
vendo com meus própios olhos. Eu não posso negar as coisas que estou
vendo. Em nome de Jesus Cristo, ámem.
Elder Standard
Missão Brasil Londrina
Av. Higienópolis 1100 sala 61
Londrina, PR
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